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Should the Veiling of Christian Women be Practiced all the Time?
Are You A Priest?
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Does God Hold The Christian Accountable To Keep The Saturday Sabbath
As The Shepherd Takes From The Mouth Of The Lion, Two Legs Or A Piece Of An Ear
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Dead Men Can’t Sin
Unless you are Converted and become as a little Child
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An Outline of the Book of Revelation
The Bible, the Work of Man or a Divine Revelation?
By Faith Alone
Two Trees



The Bible, the Work of Man or a Divine Revelation?

The Bible, the Work of Man or a Divine Revelation?


  1. He who has always existed.
    1. The God of all the earth.
    2. God chooses a man to make a nation to be unto Himself.
    3. God gives a land to Abraham and his descendents.
    4. God chose one city upon the earth to put His name.
  2. Prophecies given by God to Abraham and their fulfillment.
  3. The four faces of Ezekiel.
  4. Numerical structure of Biblical numbers.
  5. Prophesies of the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.


This booklet presents a few of the many proofs that show the Bible has a divine author. It has not been written for the person, who is a religionist, whether his *religion is atheism, agnosticism, materialism, Darwinism, Marxism, or a naturalist. All of these are religious cults, attempting to replace the Creator with their philosophy of life.

This booklet is for the person who seeks truth based on facts. Without facts and evidence for claims of truth, no claim can be called truth. Today, truth for many people is whatever you want it to be, or whatever a person has been told it is. Nowhere is this truer than in Evolution, where there is not a shred of evidence to back up macro biology, but many people follow this religion as if it were true.

The Scripture tells us this about what the Creator desires from man. “Behold You desire truth in the inward parts” (Psalms 51:6). The Creator has supplied to man revelation and truth of Himself, so all men may know Him. To the honest seeker He will be found as this Scripture shows us, “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13). This He said to Israel when they had turned away from Him. It is also true today, for anyone who seeks the Creator in truth.

*Religion: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith,(Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary)

1. He who has always existed

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

a. The God of all the earth.

The statements in Scripture leave no doubt about whether the heavens and the earth came about through natural phenomena or through a Creator. We are told this in the book of Isaiah, “…I am the Lord, who makes all things, who stretches out the heavens all alone, who spreads abroad the earth by Myself” (Isaiah 44:24). And again, “I have made the earth, and created man on it. I —- My hands —- stretched out the heavens, and all their host I have commanded” ——-“For thus says the Lord who created the heavens, who is God, who formed the earth and made it, who has established it, who did not create it in vain, who formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord, and there is no other” (Isaiah 45:12, 18).

These statements leave us with no doubts as to the origin of the heavens, the earth, and how man came into being upon the earth.

Because men make and follow many gods upon the earth, whether through being deceived by demonic spirits or the imagination of man’s heart. The Creator has given us further knowledge of Himself. “Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I am the First and I am the Last; besides Me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6). There are many Scriptures that give a description of the Creator’s work in the creation (Genesis 1:26-27; Psalms 102:25; Isaiah 40:28; 42:5: Jeremiah 27:5; Zechariah 12:1).

This God of all creation, when asked by Moses what His name was said, “God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14).

b. God chooses a man, to make a nation, to be unto Himself.

“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart” (Genesis 6:5-6).

This Scripture reveals to us the heart of God for His creation, and man on the earth. It shows us why He destroyed man on the earth with a flood, saving only Noah and his family, who believed God. After the flood, Noah and his family populated the earth again. However, the evil that God first destroyed man on the earth for was still in man, including Noah and his sons.

So the earth again produced the fruit of man’s evil nature. But God had promised Noah not to destroy the earth again by a flood (Genesis 9:11).

So He would receive honor and worship from His creation, God called out a man, Abram, who like Noah would believe Him and follow His words (Genesis 12:1-3). God told Abram (later God changed his name to Abraham, Genesis 17:5) that He was going to bless him and make a great nation from him. And through him all families of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:2-3). That blessing would come through Jesus Christ, who would come out of Abraham’s loins (Genesis 22:18).

From Abraham, God made a nation of people for Himself whom He called Israel (Deuteronomy 7:6; Ezekiel 20:5-20; Isaiah 43:15; 44:1-2). He made Israel to be His portion and the apple of His eye on the earth (Deuteronomy 32:9-10). God determined that through Israel all people of the earth would come to honor and worship the only true God (Psalms 67; 66:4). Also, that knowledge of God would flow out of Israel, and His name would be feared among the nations (Isaiah 2:1-4; 43:21; Malachi 1:14). God chose Israel to be His special treasure upon the earth (Exodus 19:5); to be separated from all nations and be only unto Himself (Psalms 135:4).

c. God gives a land to Abraham and his descendents.

God gave the land of Canaan to the descendents of Abram (Abraham) (Genesis 12:7). This promise would be fulfilled through his son Isaac, then through Isaac’s son Jacob, whom God changed his name to Israel (Genesis 13:14-18; 21:12; 25:5-6; 26:1-6). The descendents of Jacob received this land over 400 years later when at God’s command Joshua conquered the land of Canaan by destroying the nations who occupied it (Joshua 11:16-23).

d. God chose one city upon the earth to put His name.

“He built altars in the house of the Lord, of which the Lord had said; In Jerusalem I put My name” (2 Kings 21:4).

Jerusalem is the center of God’s rejoicing on the earth for His people Israel. This has been true in the past and will be in the future (Isaiah 65:18-19). He intends to make Jerusalem a place of praise upon the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7). In Jerusalem the Spirit of God dwelt in the temple (Psalms 135:21; 1 Kings 8:10-11). All nations of the earth shall come to it in the future (Isaiah 2:1-5).

Abraham’s descendents through Isaac and Jacob, the land of Israel and Jerusalem are all one in the counsels of God. God chose all 3 to represent Himself upon the earth.

Past and present day Israel and prophecy fulfilled: Israel, the Jewish nation to whom God had chosen to reveal Himself, and to the world through them, rebelled against Him. The revelation and knowledge of God to the nations was thwarted through Israel’s rejection of their God (Psalms 106; Isaiah 1; Matthew 23:37-38). Moses prophesied of Israel’s future as bleak (Deuteronomy 28:63- 68), because they were a people of no faith (Deuteronomy 32:20). Because of their rebellion, the prophet Hosea, in 760 B. C., prophesied their future, “My God will cast them away, because they did not obey Him; and they shall be wanderers among the nations” (Hosea 9:17). Jesus in 33 A. D. also prophesied their imminent future of being destroyed and scattered (Matthew 22:1-7; Luke 21:20- 24).

God used the Roman Empire to destroy Israel as a nation, fulfilling the prophesies, which the prophets had spoken concerning Israel’s rebellion. This happened in 70 A. D., and was made complete in 135 A. D. Israel was dissolved as a nation for 1800 years. Nations fought over Jerusalem and the land of Israel for centuries. This fighting centered on the temple mound in Jerusalem where the Romans had totally destroyed the temple. Jesus had prophesied the temples destruction in Matthew 24:1-3.

God’s promise was to bring His people back together again as a nation (Isaiah 11:11). Not as two nations (Judah and Israel) as it was before the Roman Empire destroyed Israel and scattered the people. God promised to bring them back together as one people and one nation (Ezekiel 37). The prophecy of the shekel being used again as their money would be reinstalled (Ezekiel 45:12; Amos 8:5). Today Israel is a nation in the process of being re-gathered as one people, and the shekel is used as their money.

In the 1850 years of the Jews wanderings among the nations, the land of Israel had been an unproductive land, and a desert land. It had no king, president, or national government. Few Jews lived there. In the year 1900 there were about 100,000 Jews living there. Today there are about 5 to 6 million Jews living there with a national government, and president recognized by the world. The fulfillment of these prophesies are for the entire world to see. They are the beginning of the end of the age, that will fulfill the Prophet Daniel’s 70th week (Daniel 9:27).

The third part of the prophecy concerning the Jews (first part) and the land of Israel (second part) is the temple. Scriptural prophesies predict that there will be a third temple built in Jerusalem when the Jews are back in the land. It is now almost 2000 years after the second temple was destroyed. Today there is no temple in Jerusalem. However, at this time plans have been under way for some time to rebuild the temple. A segment of Jews in Israel and other places have been working on the preparations for rebuilding the temple. In 2004 Jews brought a cornerstone to the temple mount to start building the third temple. A near riot started with Muslims and stopped the setting of the stone.

The priestly garments, the instruments, the tools used in the temple, harps, temple implements and those studying and training for temple work has been going on for many years. One group has already made a cornerstone for the beginning of construction for the third temple. A film called, ‘Ready to Rebuild’, with a detailed account of those working on these things has been published by, Harvest House Publishers, 990 Owen loop north, Eugene, Oregon, 97402. This may be fulfilled in this day.

2. Prophecies given by God to Abraham and their fulfillment

Prophecy and its fulfillment is a very significant proof that Scripture has a divine author. This is especially true when they are stated thousands of years ahead of time. The prophecies that God gave to Abraham almost 4000 years ago and their fulfillment are clearly seen today. The following are some of these prophesies and their fulfillment.

A. God told Abraham, that He would make him a great nation through his descendents (Genesis 12:2; 13:14-17). God changed the name of Abraham’s grandson from Jacob to Israel (Genesis 32:28; 35:10; 1 Kings 18:31). God appeared to Jacob and reiterated the promise that He gave to Abraham. He told Jacob the land of Canaan was to be his and his descendents (Genesis 35:12). Jacob had 12 sons and from these sons God formed the nation of Israel.

A1. God chose Moses; in 1491 B. C. he led the offspring of Jacob out of slavery in Egypt to their Promised Land, their inheritance, the land of Canaan. Before entering the land in 1450 B. C., God instructed Joshua, that the land which they would be entering (Canaan), He was giving to them and every place the sole of their feet should tread (Joshua 1:1-3). They entered the land and God gave them victory over all people of the land, and the land became their land, which they occupy today.

B. God told Abraham He was going to make his name great (to all the nations) (Genesis 12:2).

B1. Abraham became the father of the Jewish race through his son Isaac (Genesis 17:15-16), and the father of many Arabic nations through his son Ishmael (Genesis 16:1- 16; 17:20-27). Through the seed of Abraham, Christ came into the world, born of a daughter of Abraham, Mary (Matthew 1:1; Luke 2:1-14). Through Abraham’s offspring, his name has become great and is known among the nations around the world.

C. God told Abraham that all families of the earth will be blessed through him (Genesis 12:3).

C1. First, because of the revelation of the true God who was revealed to Abraham, and his offspring after him, all nations of the earth can have knowledge of the true God.

Second, and the most important is that historically Jesus Christ came through the linage of Abraham (Matthew 1:1; Luke 3:34). All who believe Him and follow Him know and have fellowship with the God of all eternity, and the true God of all the earth (John 1:1; 8:58; 1 Corinthians 1:9).

Third, in the future Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham (Matthew 1:1), will come again and subdue the nations, the creation and the earth. At that time He will sit on David’s throne, and bring the kingdom of God on the earth and bless all nations (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 60:3). In this future time a river of the Spirit of God, His Life producing Spirit, will flow out of the temple in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 47:1-12). The Christian possesses this blessing of the River of Life now (John 7:37-39; Colossians 1:27).

God has fulfilled this promised prophecy to Abraham and will complete the rest in His time.

D. God’s promise of earthly blessing to Abraham and his descendents (the Jews) extends to all people and nations that do good to the Jews. And God will bring a curse to all people and nations that do evil to them (Genesis 12:3, 7).

D1. A long list of nations over 2500 years that have done evil to the Jews and Israel have ceased to exist. Others have been brought down to a low estate. The first of these nations was Pharaoh of Egypt, who made slaves of the Jews. In 1945 Germany, the last great power was reduced to ashes and total destruction from their desire and action to kill all the Jews.

These are a few of the promises God made to Abraham and their fulfillment. The most important one of all the promises of God made to Abraham was the promise that the Messiah would come from Abraham’s seed, and bless all nations (Genesis 22:18). This was fulfilled at the coming of Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah (Matthew 1:18-25).

“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19).

3. The Law of Moses given by a divine hand

(The first 5 books of the Bible are the Law of Moses)

God chose the nation of Israel to be His people, even while they were slaves in Egypt. He picked a man named Moses to lead them out of slavery and into the Promised Land of Canaan (Exodus 2:23-25; 3:1-10). He revealed Himself to Moses and told him His name which is “I AM” (Exodus 3:14). However, as Moses led them out of the land of Egypt, and on toward the Promised Land the people rebelled against God’s instructions (Exodus 32:9). And their hearts were set on mischief (Exodus 32:22). Moses after leading them for 40 years said, “…for they are a perverse generation, children in whom is no faith” (Deuteronomy 32:20).

Because of Israel’s resistance to God’s instructions and divine Presence, God gave them something else to follow and live by. He gave them His law. It is known as the Law of Moses and has 613 commandments. This law was given only to Israel, not to Gentiles (Acts 15:5-11; 9:4).

The divine hand is seen in the Law of Moses in many of its commandments. For example, in the book of Numbers chapter 19, God gave Israel a formula for anti-biotic soap. He commanded them to use this soap after touching dead bodies (Numbers 19:11-22). The book, “None of These Diseases” by Dr. S. I. McMillen, on pages 24-26 gives a description of the medical value of this germ killing formula. Israel knew nothing of germs at that time, but this soap protected them from diseases that come from handling dead bodies.

God commanded the people of Israel to dig a hole when they relieved themselves and cover it afterward (Deuteronomy 23:12-13). Today we know that sanitation is primary to good health and stopping the germs that cause disease.

“One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established” (Deuteronomy 19:15).

This command given by God puts the burden of proof on the accuser. It prevents one person from making accusations against another in legal hearings, to prevail. Truth and righteousness are upheld by this command of God. In any Judicial proceeding where this command is not honored, unjust and perverted rulings will be handed down.

For example, this country (USA) has always followed this rule of law of two or three witnesses to decide an issue. Today however, this rule has been put away. It is most obviously seen when a wife in a marriage decides she does not want her marriage any longer and wants her husband out of the house. She may be involved with another man, following self ambition, or a feminist organization. If she files a paper with the court that says she is afraid of her husband, any judge will sign it without a hearing and will give her full authority over his family, his home, his assets and he will get an order from the court to move out. If he refuses, he will be in violation of the decree and taken into to custody. The wisdom of God is seen in the law of two witnesses.

Even before the later time of Moses, God commanded Abraham to circumcise the males on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12). Dr McMillen’s book, on pages 88- 89 gives medical facts concerning the importance of circumcision and cancer. He shows that on the eighth day a child has the highest level of vitamin K in their blood. This makes the prothrombin in the blood skyrocket to 110 percent. This furnishes the necessary clotting for a cut to heal quickly. It has the highest percentage on the eighth day of his life, more than any day for the rest of his life.

The rate of cancer in the penis (penile carcinoma) in the USA in men not circumcised is about one in six hundred. Dr McMillen reports this to be about 3000 a year. He also states that the studies show that babies circumcised on the eighth day (the Jews) have almost no cancer of the penis in their lifetime. Whereas those men circumcised later in life still get a percentage of cancer.

These medical procedures ordered by God for Israel 4000 years ago were life saving commandments. These commandments found in the Law of Moses, were not known or practiced in the pagan nations of the Gentiles.

The Law of Moses gave statutes, ordinances, and instructions covering all aspects of life. Western nations have adapted many laws from the Law of Moses as the foundation of society, why? It can easily be seen that these laws are for the benefit of any people who use them as their standard of government.

When the Roman Empire was overrunning and conquering nations, they learned and assessed the culture and governments of these nations. They found that the Law of Moses the Jews practiced was a higher standard of life than their own or any other nation they had conquered.

The Law of Moses shows us God’s standard for man on the earth. This standard of law, the Jews and every other people group who have tried to fulfill it in perfection have failed (John 7:19; Acts 7:53; 15:10). In the divine plan of God, man’s failure brings him face to face with the fact that he is a breaker of God’s laws, he is a sinner. To keep this divine law in perfection takes a divine person. To atone for man’s sin, God has sent a Saviour, who kept the Law of Moses in perfection, Jesus Christ, the Son of God (John 1:1, 14, 18; 3:16; 1 Peter 2:21-22; 1 John 4:9). The law of God condemns all people, Jesus Christ on the cross suffered the penalty of our sin, and brings all who believe Him and follow Him into His kingdom (Colossians 1:13- 14). This historical event the whole world has witnessed for the last 2000 years.

God made a promise to Abraham, “In your seed (Christ) all nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice” (Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3:16). This prophetic promise has been divinely fulfilled. Christ, the seed of Abraham has come into the world. Today, nations, people groups, and people all over the earth have been blessed by the few who have received Him, and the knowledge of God.

Wherever the knowledge of God is received the living standard of the people rises. This is seen in the building of hospitals, schools, a higher standard of living, oppression of people being relieved, and the freedom of thought, mind, will, worship and speech.

With these facts being known the Spirit of God asks the question, “Who has believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?” (Isaiah 53:1). In approximately 1450 B.C., Moses was at the end of his days. God said to him that after his death Israel would forsake their God. And then they would go whoring after other gods as did the former occupants in the land of Canaan (Deuteronomy 31:16). God promised to forsake Israel when they went after other gods. He told them of the evils that were going to befall them when they did it (Deuteronomy 31:17-23). The fulfillment of this prophecy can be seen in the book of Judges through all that Israel suffered for pursuing false gods in the years 1405 – 1120 B.C.

Moses, had prophesied at God’s command that a prophet would come from among his brethren, Israel (Deuteronomy 18:15-19). God would raise Him up to be like Moses. He would speak only what God told Him to say (John 8:28, 38). Moses said this prophet would be like himself, an intercessor for the people to God (Hebrews 7:24-25); a deliverer from slavery (John 8:34-36). He would lead the people to the Promised Land (1 John 2:25). Fourteen hundred and eighty years later, the Apostle Peter prophesied to Israel after the Jews had killed Jesus. He said that God raised up Jesus, who was that Prophet that Moses had foretold would come (Acts 3:22-26). He came from among His brethren, the Jews; He was the true and greatest prophet of all Israel’s prophets (John 4:25-26; Acts 10:43). He came to be the sacrificial Lamb of God, to save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus came as a deliverer, and Saviour from the bondage and slavery of man’s sin (John 8:29-36). He will take His freed people to the Promised Land above, with Himself forever (John 14:1-3; 17:24: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). All people who inform themselves of this man, Jesus Christ, acknowledge the greatness of Him.

4. The Four faces of Ezekiel

Ezekiel was a prophet who was taken captive by the army of Babylon (present day Iraq). In the year 595 B.C., he was by the river Chebar in Babylon, and he saw visions of God (Ezekiel 1:1). Among those visions were 4 faces which were called “Four Living Creatures” (Ezekiel 1:5). The four creatures were seen as the face of a man, a lion, an ox, and the face of an eagle (Ezekiel 1:10). These faces reveal the character or attributes of God, and are identified as cherubim. These creatures are seen several times in the book of Ezekiel, also in the book of Revelation in the heavenly sphere.

Their overall purpose, “appears to have to do with the holiness of God as outraged by, sin,” Scofield Bible, footnotes on Ezekiel. Man’s sin, in relationship to God’s sinless character is the reason for the manifestation of these living creatures. To Ezekiel they were brought forth to deal with Israel’s sin and rejection of their God Jehovah. These attributes of God that these creatures reflect are again brought forth in the New Testament. Each attribute of the four creatures is distinctive and are revealed in the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The order of sequence in which they are placed, in the New Testament is the same as Revelation 4:7. Which are the lion, ox, man, and eagle.

The gospel of Matthew – The face of the lion: In this gospel Jesus Christ is shown to be the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5). To do this, His genealogy is established in the first chapter of Matthew as King David’s son. The character and content of Matthew presents Jesus Christ as Israel’s rightful and promised king (Matthew 1:1- 25, 46). The prophesies of the Messiah state He would be King David’s son, yet be God in human form (2 Samuel 7:8-17; Psalms 2:1-12; 110:1; Isaiah 9:6-7; Micah 5:2; Zechariah 6:12-13). The prophet Isaiah, prophesied that a virgin would bear a son, and his name would be Immanuel, meaning God with us (Isaiah 7:14), fulfilled in Matthew 1:18-25.

Matthew is unique as it shows Jesus, as the Jewish Messiah who was wounded among his friends, his Jewish brethren (Zechariah 13:6; Matthew 27:35). It shows that when He comes to rule and reign in Jerusalem, at the Millennium, He will judge the nations on how they treated His Jewish brethren (Matthew 25:31-40, 45).

In the beatitudes (Matthew 5, 6, 7) is seen God’s righteous standard for man on the earth, that will be enacted during the reign of Christ, as He sits on David’s throne.

The gospel of Matthew uses the words “kingdom of heaven” 30 times to label this age of the kingdom of heaven on earth. This term is not found anywhere else in the New Testament. It signifies God’s total power and influence over the earth. This is seen as Christ, the Lion of Judah rules from David’s Throne in Jerusalem (Matthew 24:27-31; 25:31-46).

The gospel of Mark – The face of the ox: Unlike the other 3 gospels, the gospel of Mark presents no genealogy of Jesus Christ. Mark 1:1 tells us only who this servant is, the Son of God. It is the briefest of all the gospels. In it Jesus Christ is represented as the ox, a worker, with no genealogy. No genealogy is kept or important for a servant. His only purpose is to serve in the role of an ox, as a servant of God, working only in His interests. It is more a book of the servant’s deeds than His words. His primary mission is seen in the work He does, rather than as a teacher. As the true Servant of God, Christ fulfills the prophesies which show His servant-hood (Isaiah 42:1-21; 49:1-7; 50:4-11; 52:13; 53:12; Zechariah 3:8).

Philippians shows us the gospel of Mark as it pertains to His life and mission. “He made Himself of no reputation taking the form of a bond servant and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in the appearance of a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:7-8).

A servant ox has only one purpose, which is to serve his master. Jesus defines His purpose and ministry in the gospel of Mark, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).

The work of a divine servant of God could only be carried out by the divine Son of God. Jesus, even to his last breath, looked only to serving His Father (Mark 15:34, 37).

The gospel of Luke – The face of a man: The gospel of Luke reveals and expresses the perfect humanity of Christ in a most profound way. In this gospel, His mother Mary’s life is shown; her encounter with the angel Gabriel, and the birth of Jesus. A detailed account of His early family life is seen. He is presented as in the expression ‘Son of Man,’ which is used 23 times in Luke as the man who is divine. His genealogy is recorded all the way back to the beginning of man or humanity on the earth, Adam (Luke 3:23-38).

In the humanity of Christ, the gospel of Luke shows Him as the untarnished man, the second Adam, a life giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:22, 45). He is presented as the fulfillment of Zechariah’s Messianic prophecy, “Behold, the Man whose name is the Branch! From His place He shall branch out, and He shall build the temple of the Lord” (Zechariah 6:12). In this prophecy, He the Messiah, the Anointed One, the divine Person, and He is fully man.

The parables Jesus spoke in Luke are shown from a distinctly human view. The Lord’s compassion for the broken hearted, the sick, and those mistreated are brought out in this gospel. Christ, as the Son of Man, could equate with all the sorrows of man (1 Peter 3:18). Also as the second Adam, the perfect man, He pleased God in all His ways and in everything He did (Luke 9:35).

What is shown in Luke is the purpose of His coming, the divine Man, the Head of a new creation. “ For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).

The gospel of John – The face of an eagle: In the gospel of John, the genealogy of Christ is recorded in John 1:1-3. It gives full knowledge to His eternal Son-ship and His eternal deity. In His deity, He is seen as the eagle souring in the heavenlies, who has been there forever. The most pronounced truth in this gospel is Jehovah God living in a human body (John 14:9), as the divine person of the Godhead living among His creation (John 1:14). In the gospel of John, Jesus is predominantly presented as existing from eternity past (I AM, Exodus 3:14; John 8:58; 17:5), to eternity future (John 17:24; Revelation 1:8, 18). He said, He was omnipresent (John 3:13).

In this gospel, Jesus states, He is the divine person in many ways. He said, He is the bread of life (John 6:32-35, 41, 48, 51); the light of the world (John 8:12; 9:5); the door (to eternal life) (John 10:7, 9) and the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14). Jesus stated He is, the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25); the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) and the vine (John 15:1, 5). He can give the water of eternal life (John 4;10, 14; 7:37-39).

The theme and purpose of the gospel of John is, “that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing [they] may have Life in His name” (John 20:31).

These prophetic truths found in the 4 gospels are the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s vision. They are God manifested and seen in physical human form (John 14:8-9).

5. Numerical structure of Biblical numbers

One of the many proofs that show the Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) to be of divine origin is how numbers in Scripture present a unity in meaning. The numerous Biblical writers in recording facts, events, statements of people and divine encounters used words and numbers over a period of 4000 years. The unity in the numbers they recorded were consistent, yet unknown to them. The Bible teaches that its message was given by God through divinely inspired men, who recorded what they were told, saw and heard (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-21).

There are hundreds of examples to show forth the continuity of these numbers. However, only a few of each number will be shown. It would take a book by itself if every number used in this chapter was shown in its completeness.

The meaning of numbers in Scripture

#1 Oneness in supreme authority #2 Fellowship – witness #3 Divine perfection #4 Completeness #5 Responsibility between men #6 Imperfection #7 Perfection as seen by man on the earth #8 Beginning again #10 Man’s responsibility to God #11 Administration #12 Government #40 4×10 Testing of man #50 5×10 Responsibility to God and man #70 Responsibility before God in spiritual completeness These are the primary numbers but by no means a complete list.

# 1 Oneness in supreme authority: The number one in Scripture expresses the unity of the Godhead. This number rejects plurality, and puts forth the supremacy of one God. Scripture is one book, putting forth one supreme authority. It excludes all rivalry, taking away or additions. The one Word of God is supreme.

“For you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:8), this excludes the thought of division and sects. There is one Saviour, one foundation of truth, and one way to enter the kingdom of God, Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:11; Acts 4:12). The number one gives completeness to the Christian’s position in Christ (Colossians 1:27; 2:10). There are 7 unities of one, one body, one Spirit, one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father (Ephesians 4:4-6). There is one blessed hope, that being of the return of Christ Jesus (Titus 2:13).

#2 Fellowship – witness: This number is used throughout Scripture as two in fellowship for witness. Two false witnesses testify against the Lord Jesus (Matthew 26:60); 12 spies go into Canaan, only 2 of the 12 are faithful witnesses, Joshua and Caleb (Numbers chapters 13-14). Ebal and Gerizim were the 2 mountains that were witnesses for or against Israel (Joshua 8:33). Two angels came to Lot in Genesis 19:1 to warn him of the doom about to come on the city. Enoch and Elijah are God’s 2 witnesses translated from earth to the heavens in place of death. The “Urim and the Thummim” were the twofold means of witness, when God would make His will known (Exodus 28:30; Numbers 27:21; Deuteronomy 33:8; 1 Samuel 28:6).

#3 Divine perfection: This number is seen in the revelation of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16-17; 28:29). There are 3 divine witnesses in heaven, the Spirit, the water, and the blood (1 John 5:8). Three times the heavenly sheet was lowed down to Peter (Acts 10:16). The three fold temptation of Jesus gives full witness to the perfection of His obedience (Matthew 4:1-11). Three times a voice came from heaven as God’s witness of Christ’s faithfulness (Matthew 3:17; 17:5; John 12:28).

Israel’s 3 day journey into the wilderness to worship Jehovah would be a full witness to their complete and divine separation from everything of Egypt (Exodus 5:1-3). Jesus said, “I am, the way, the truth and the life,” showing the divine entrance to heaven (John 14:6).

4 Completeness: The completeness of our Lord in every way is recorded throughout the 4 gospels. Also in the 4 winds from the 4 quarters of heaven (Jeremiah 49:36: Revelation 20:8). The 4 corners of the heavenly sheet Acts (10:11). Breath, length, depth and height (Ephesians 3:8). Revelation chapter 5 shows that heaven worships the Lamb in 7 praises (verse 10), while on earth it is complete in 4 (verse 13). Four basic sacrifices were to be offered to God before Christ came (Psalms 40:6). The foundation of the church is built and exercised in 4 ways (Acts 2:42).

#5 Responsibility between men: David’s sense of responsibility was used to pick up 5 stones to kill Goliath (1 Samuel 17:40). “The children of Israel went up harnessed (arrayed in battle order, 5 in a rank) out of the land of Egypt” (Exodus 13:18). The navy ships of Tharshish bring gold, silver, ivory, apes and peacocks to Solomon (1 Kings 10:22), the tribute of the world to its chief, 5 items.

In their refusal to respond to Moses, the 5 kings of Midian are slain by Israel (Numbers 31:8). Joshua did the same when he slew the 5 kings of the Amorites (Joshua 10:5, 26). When King Saul was chasing David to kill him, he asks Ahimelech the priest for 5 loaves of bread, he gives them to David (1 Samuel 21:3). Their were 5 Lords of the Philistines, who, in Judges 3:3 were “left to prove Israel” (Joshua 13:3).

In response to David, Abigail takes multiples of 5 to David; 200 (5×40) loaves, 5 sheep, 5 measures of parched corn; 100 clusters of raisins (5×20), 200 cakes of figs (5×40). She took 5 maidens as her servants when she became David’s wife (1 Samuel 25:18, 42).

The rich man still had 5 brothers responsible on the earth (Luke 16:28). The Apostle Paul teaches in response to man, “I would rather speak 5 words … that … I might teach (1 Corinthians 14:19). God has given man responsibility of ministry, 5 ways (Ephesians 4:11).

#6 Imperfection: This number is associated with man and his works upon the earth, one short of 7, perfection. Israel provoked the Lord by desiring the food of Egypt, “fish … the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, and onions, and the garlic (Numbers 11:5). The unnamed son of the giant had 6 fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot (2 Samuel 21:20). The imperfection of Solomon’s rule is suggested in the 6 steps leading up to Solomon’s throne, with 6 lions on each side of the steps (1 Kings 10:19-20).The first temple was erected with 6 as its basis of measurement. It was destroyed in man’s failure. Ezekiel’s temple described in Ezekiel 40 – 47 is built on the number 7; nothing that defiles will enter into it. Goliath went up against David with 6 pieces of armor, and much weapons, his height was 6 cubits and a span. The beast takes and uses the number 666 (Revelation 13:18).

#7 Perfection, as seen by man on the earth: “On the seventh day God ended His work which He had done … then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God created and made” (Genesis 2:2-3). The 7 days of the week as given to man on the earth is a completion of God’s time unit for man. At the awe of Job’s condition (seeing a divine hand in it), his friends sat silent for 7 days and nights (Job 2:13). Naaman, the leper, at Elisha’s command went into the Jordon river 7 times and was healed (2 Kings 5:14).

God appointed a 7 fold vengeance for Cain (Genesis 4:15). Jacob served 7 years for Rachel and for Leah (Genesis 29:30). The wrath of God abounds in Revelation, this is seen in 18 series of 7s. 7 churches, 7 candlesticks, 7 spirits, 7 stars, 7 trumpets, etc. Nebuchadnezzar heated the furnace 7 times hotter to burn 3 faithful men (Daniel 3:19). God rebuked Nebuchadnezzar, he was driven from men and ate grass in the field, until 7 times had passed over him, then his reason returned (Daniel 4:16, 23, 25).

Miriam resisted Moses’ rule; God struck her with leprosy. She was put out of the camp 7 days (Numbers 12:15).

The Bible contains more 7s than any other number. It is generally considered to be God’s number, the number of divinity.

#8 Beginning again: Beginning again is the overall thought of the number 8. God gave the act of circumcision to Abraham, to be done on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12). On the eighth day a sacrifice was offered for cleansing a leper, who was clean and to be reinstated into the camp (Leviticus 14:10). This also applied to a Nazirite, if he was defiled, to begin again his walk of separation (Number 6:10).

Christ was raised on Sunday the eighth day; the believer is raised with Him to begin a new life (Ephesians 2:5-6). The eighth day is resurrection day, the day of new life for all who believe (2 Corinthians 5:17). The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) followed the Feast of the Wave Offering, it was to be kept on 7 Sabbaths plus a day after the Wave Offering (Leviticus 23:15-22). After the Wave Offering, 7 Sabbaths plus a day began a new dispensation of God, the Church was born on Sunday, the eighth day, Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4).

#10 Man’s responsibility to God: This number expresses man’s responsibility to God. Israel tempted God 10 times (Numbers 14:22). Abraham gave tithes (10%) to the priest of the most high God, Melchizedek (Genesis 14:20). Ten spies died by the plague (Numbers 14:36-38). Gideon took 10 men to destroy the altar of Baal as God had commanded (Judges 6:27). Nabal resisted God’s appointed king, David, after 10 days God smote him (1 Samuel 25:38). “Praise Jehovah with an instrument of ten strings” (Psalms 33:2). There are 10 parables of the kingdom showing man’s response to God in Matthew 13, 22, and 25. In the gospel of John on 10 different occurrences Jesus said, I AM, for man to respond to. Ten works of man and those who practice them are shown of those who will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). A 10 fold assurance of security is shown of those that are in Christ (Romans 8:38-39).

Jesus heals 10 men of leprosy, only one returns to glorify God (Luke 17:12-19). A sign from God, for man to respond to, He will make the sundial go backward or forward 10 degrees (2 Kings 20:9).

#11 Administration: The number eleven is not used much in Scripture. It lacks one number to be 12, God’s number for government. Eleven will be found where proper administration is not attained.

#12 Government: This number, God has used for complete government and administration. This can be seen in 12 hours of the day and of the night (John11:9). Twelve months of the year. The people of Israel were commanded to say “amen” 12 times to the 12 curses (Deuteronomy 27). The stones in the High Priest’s breastplate are 12, as are the loaves on the showbread table. Twelve stones were to be used as a marker (Joshua 4:7-9). Twelve spies were sent to spy out the land (Numbers 13).

In the Old Testament there were 12 men named who were anointed with oil. The avenger of blood is mentioned 12 times in the Old Testament. There are 12 tribes of Israel. In the New Testament there are 12 apostles. There are 12 gates to enter the heavenly Jerusalem, with 12 angels (Revelation 21:12) and 12 stones are in the wall’s foundation surrounding the city.

Twelve tribes are written in Revelation 7 and again chapter 14, 144,000, 12×12. Twelve Jews in the dispersion receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 19:1-7). Twelve legions of angels are the Lord’s disposal (Matthew 26:53). The apostles will sit on 12 thrones and judge Israel (Matthew 19:28). Twelve baskets of fragments were picked up after the people ate the 5 loaves and 2 fishes (Matthew 14:20).

Higher Numbers:

#40 4×10’s = 40, testing of man: This number has the place of testing man before God on the earth. The 12 spies searched the land of Canaan 40 days to test it and its produce (Numbers 13:25). The number of stripes a man could receive for punishment could not exceed 40 (Deuteronomy 25:3). Goliath tested (challenged) Israel 40 days (1 Samuel 17:16). Jonah gave Nineveh 40 days to repent (Jonah 3:4). When Noah entered the ark it rained for 40 days and nights (Genesis 7:4, 12, 17). When the water receded Noah waited 40 days to send out the raven (Genesis 8:6).

Elijah ate meat and went in the strength of it 40 days and nights to Horeb (1 Kings 19:8). Jesus submitted Himself to the temptation of the devil 40 days (Luke 4:2). Jesus appeared to His disciples for 40 days; that they might be qualified witnesses to His resurrection before He ascended (Acts 1:3). Moses was on Mount Sinai 40 days and nights (Exodus 24:18), and the same amount of time again (Exodus 34:28). Moses was 40 years old when he fled from Pharaoh; he lived in the desert 40 years, and led Israel for 40 years in the wilderness wanderings. Caleb was 40 years old when Moses sent him as a spy at Kadesh (Joshua 14:7).

These are only a few examples which show 40 as the testing number of man.

#50 5×10’s = Responsibility to man and God: Abraham petitions God for man for 50 righteous to keep God from destroying Sodom (Genesis 18:26). At the age of 50, the Levites ceased from their responsibilities to serve God in the tabernacle (Leviticus 8:24-26). Every 50th year was the year of Jubilee, when God released the people from their debts and their financial responsibilities; their possessions were to be reinstated to them in that year (Leviticus 25:10).

Obadiah hid the prophets of the Lord by 50 in a cave (1 Kings 18:4). Haman built a gallows 50 cubits high to hang Mordecai, the Jew, but the king hanged Haman on it instead (Esther 7:9-10). Three times the King of Israel sent a captain with 50 men to arrest Elijah. God destroyed the first 2 groups with fire, the third group begged Elijah for mercy (2 Kings 1:9-12).

#70 7×10’s = 70, Responsibility before God in spiritual completeness: Seventy souls of the house of Jacob went down into the land of Egypt (Genesis 46:27), the complete company of God’s people. Abimelech slew 70 sons of his father (Judges 9:5). Later, God sent an evil spirit between him and those of Shechem who killed him. Ahab’s 70 sons suffered God’s judgment and were put to death by Jehu (2 Kings 10:7).

Jacob was mourned for 70 days (Genesis 50:3). The land of Israel kept the Sabbath, as desolate land, to fulfill God’s judgment of 70 years (2 Chronicles 36:21). “Seventy weeks are determined upon your people” (the Jews) (Daniel 9:24), before Christ comes to rule and sit on David’s Throne. Jesus appointed 70 men to preach the kingdom of God (Luke 10:1-12). God told Moses to bring Him 70 elders to help Moses (Numbers 11:16, 24-25). The clarity in how these numbers are used is seen in their circumstances and how they are used. Study and meditation will bring this forth to the reader. Other numbers not given in this booklet are also used with corresponding meaning. When these Scriptures are read and studied with each number listed, the meaning becomes clear. For a more in depth study, read, “The Numbers of Scripture,” by E. C. Pressland. This can be found on the internet at “Bible Truth Publishers,” ISBN 1-888749-05-9.

6. Prophesies of the 7 churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3

Those who study time dating in Scripture have told us that the book of Revelation was written in 96 A.D.

The Church was started by the Holy Spirit over 60 years earlier, and was already showing signs of serious deviation from the truths taught by Jesus and the apostles (2 Timothy 1:15, 66 A.D.; 2 Peter 2:1-3, 66 A.D.; 3 John 9- 10, 90 A.D.; Jude 3-4, 8-9, 66 A.D.). In this section we will look at the decline as prophetically told us in Revelation by the Apostle John (Revelation 1:1, 19-20). We will see how each church of the 7 characterizes in sequence a period of time in Church History. Christ, the glorified Man, showing the Church its history before it happened (Revelation chapters 1-3).

Foretelling of the future by the Spirit of God is for the person who desires only Christ. So he may be warned ahead of time of these future events, and to take heed to the admonition of the Lord Jesus not to participate in them. The Spirit of God always gives prophecy to His people ahead of time of what is going to happen (Isaiah 42:9; Amos 3:7-8; John 16:1-4).

The warning repeated to everyone in each of these churches is, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

The purpose of the warning, is for the believer who is involved in a path contrary to Christ, to resist these evils and depart from them (2 Timothy 2:19-21).

Prophetic time period: At the date of John’s writing, 96 A.D.

Ephesians: Desirable Jesus speaks to the deteriorated character that has taken hold in this church, “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love” (Revelation 2:4). Because of leaving their first love (Christ), they changed the very foundation of the Church, setting an evil path for the future of the Church. This would happen in the Church Age to follow; the lack of love for Christ would allow and bring in every kind of evil. The warning to Ephesus was to repent and to come back to the place of repentance, truth and faith (first works) (Revelation 2:5).

Yet Ephesus had still followed some sound works and doctrine. They had resisted false apostles, they hated Nicolaitanism (clergy/laity system), which God also hates (Revelation 2:6). Ephesus had persevered in many right and good things (Revelation 2:3). But the love of Christ is the foundation of the Church and all truth, to replace Christ and truth with good works set a wrong and evil path.

Prophetic time period (up to 316 A.D.):

Smyrna: myrrh

The Smyrna time period of the church became evident in the second century in its persecution from the Roman Government. Jesus tells those living in this time period their future, “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10).

The character of this church was to suffer for His name. “Foxes Book of Martyrs” has recorded ten separate persecutions that were carried out by decree of the Roman Empire. They started with Nero in the year 60 A.D. Jesus said, the crown of life is given to all who overcome. These persecutions went on until 312 A.D.

This church was poor in the eyes of the world, but rich in the heart of God. They were treated as criminals and worse by the Roman Empire. Because of their suffering, Jesus does not point out any evil in their midst.

Prophetic time period (316 A.D. to the end of the Church Age):

Pergamos: Marriage and elevation

Constantine became Emperor of Rome and stopped all persecution of Christians. He is said to have become a Christian. He raised up bishops and made religious dignitaries out of them, and they became a part of the Roman Empire. Thus the world that crucified the Lord of glory and the church were married and became one. This marriage placed the church under Satan’s sphere, where he is the prince and power of the air, and ruler of this world (John 14:30; Ephesians 2:2). The church found its dwelling place where Satan’s seat (power) is. The church hung on to the truth of Christ, even though it was now dwelling where Satan’s seat is.

In this time period of the Church, it moved from its pilgrim and stranger position in the world, to a marriage of immorality with the world. The character of this church is that it became a friend of the world. Scripture tells us, to be a friend of the world is to be an enemy of God (James 4:4). What became a despised and hated deeds in Ephesus period, Nicolaitanism, had now became an acceptable church doctrine in Pergamos. Jesus said, “Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate” (Revelation 2:15). As all can see, the false doctrine of Nicolaitanism (clergy/laity system) has infected the church to this day.

This church changed the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5, 9) which Jesus established (Matthew 23:8), to a church structure taken from the Law of Moses, complete with hierarchy, clergy and laity. It laid the ground work for the evil rule in the next church, Thyatira, which became a domineering church for hundreds of years and brought about the Dark Ages.

Prophetic time period (500 to 1500s A.D. to the end o fthe Church Age):

Thyatira: Scholars suggest it means “continual sacrifice.”

The mass practiced by the Roman Catholic priests’ state that they offer a continual sacrifice for the living and the dead.

In Israel’s history, there was a king named Ahab, his wife was named Jezebel. She mixed paganism with what God had commanded for Israel. Romanism has done the same to mix Judaism, paganism, and Christianity together. This spiritual fornication takes the place of allegiance that belongs to God alone. Yet this practice goes on in Roman Catholic churches throughout the world today, lighting candles and praying to these idols is common practice, praying to Mary and the saints (created beings). When Eve looked to Satan (a created being) for spiritual help, her deception was complete.

This church held to the doctrine of the infallibility of the popes, rather than God’s word. She also teaches that Mary was sinless and caught up to heaven and crowned “Queen of Heaven,” making her a female god.

This church has done many good works. But Jesus said to this church, “Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols” I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality (spiritual adultery) and she did not repent (Revelation 2:20-21).

The character of this church is noted as idolatry or spiritual uncleanness. Which is the doctrine it holds, spiritual immorality (Revelation 2:24). This church promoted the inquisitions, burning heretics at the stake (those that followed only Christ). Teaching God’s servants to bow down to idols in Roman Catholic churches characterized the Dark Ages.

The next church God brought forth was to make known the truth and light of Christ where darkness had prevailed for centuries.

Prophetic time period (1500s, Reformation period to the end of the Church Age):

Sardis: Remnant of those who have escaped.

The character of this church is “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead” (Revelation 3:1).

The Sardis Church takes us into Protestantism, that which recovered the foundational truth of justification by faith alone. The truth of justification by faith alone brought life to those who received it. However, many of the practices of Rome were still embraced in Protestant Churches. The result was state churches that turned lifeless. Formalism was the finished end. Deliverance from clericalism (Nicolaitanism) was not to be at this time.

The Sardis Church taught baptismal regeneration and some taught the presence of Christ in the communion. When men are taught that they get spiritual life through their physical actions, spiritual darkness will be the result. As spiritual life comes only from the Tree of Life (Christ), not what men do religiously. This church was not perfect nor their works before God, because they did not continue in the truth of faith alone, and spiritual life through Christ alone.

In the beginning of the reformation the Sardis Church held to Christ alone and “Sola Scriptura” as a rallying point. The result was that men were set free from Rome and the blasphemies found therein.

This church started out well and many people found freedom from the bondage of Rome all over the world. But it soon became a political body with the result of becoming dead state churches. Christ’s warning is to come back to the truth.

Prophetic time period (Late 1700’s and 1800’s):

Philadelphia: Brotherly love

The character of this church is, “…For you have little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name” (Revelation 3:8).

The work of the Spirit of God, and the clock that God has set for church history, is seen in the Philadelphian period through the opening up of recovered Scriptural truth, and life through the Spirit. This is in contrast to the clerical and formal church systems.

Jesus said to this church, “I know your works. See I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have little strength, have kept My word and not denied My name” (Revelation 3:8).

The open door happened in the 1800’s as the Spirit of God opened the door of “simplicity” in Christ. This simplicity was not received by the church system. The numbers were small; however, the door all over the world was opened. The truth of Christ dwelling among those meeting unto Him alone magnified Christ in the hearts of the people and gave quiet power to them. The strength was not of man’s religion, but of the Spirit of Christ.

God sent a spark of life and truth among those who separated themselves unto Him alone. Spiritual life came into this assembly through confessing His name without denominationalism, clericalism, doctrines of law, going beyond what is written in Scripture and liberalism, all of which deny His name and character. Simplicity in Christ was found in an equal brotherhood of priests, as they gathered unto the Lord Jesus in their midst, with the Holy Spirit giving unction and bringing forth quiet power.

This church had come back to the place of following Christ in grace and truth without the add-ons of the churches.

Jesus commended this church without rebuke.

Prophetic time period (Now, and to the end of the Church Age):

Laodicea: The people’s rights or the people rule.

The character of this church is, “I know your works, you are neither hot nor cold” (Revelation 3:15).

The age of Laodicea is an age of democracy in the world and in the professing church. The word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit are not the primary leading for this church. The people’s rights are primary; the word of Christ is secondary. Many truths taught in Scripture for Christians are thought and taught to be out of date for this church.

“I know your works that you are neither hot nor cold” is the outward expression of an undecided heart. It is an observing heart, rather than a holder and expresser of the love and grace of God. With Laodicea, it is more a question of how people feel, rather than living by every word that comes out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).

This condition exists because there is no receiving of the life of Jesus (the Living Water) through the renewing of the Holy Spirit. This church is in the place of judgment. Church people giving intellectual accent to truth is not life through the Holy Spirit. In this church, the word of Christ is made subject to the people’s vote or rule. This church is rejected of Christ and He is not abiding in it.

Making great spiritual claims for itself and filled with man’s ways, this church is largely unaware of the meaning of being born of the Spirit of God. The rules and ideas of men in things that belong to God have brought this church to a state of wretchedness, miserable-ness, and being poor in the things of God. Laodicea is blind to the truth and without the covering of God. This church has followed the world in its ways, and philosophy; the rights of Christ over His church are not given priority.

Laodicea is rich and increased with goods and does not need God’s riches. Jesus is out side the church door knocking with no one answering. So He appeals to individuals to come out where He is and follow Him. To the over-comer who will come out, He promises a throne to sit on with Himself (Revelation 3:21). Again, He appeals to the individual to repent and respond to His Word (Revelation 3:19, 22).

Anyone familiar with Church history can readily verify the historical accuracy of the events that has transpired in these 7 churches over the last 2000 years. And unto this present day, the corruption in the Laodicean Church is readily seen by all.

These 3 chapters have used “An Outline of the Book of Revelation,” by D. Neely for its contents.

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