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God's Government
The booklets in this category make clear God’s will and word for those who walk in faith to Christ Jesus. “The Church as Presented in Scripture” presents what Jesus is building, the Church. In the booklet, “Are You a Priest?” the priesthood of the believer is seen in free exercise. “The Covering” gives understanding of the Holy Spirit’s leading to a Christian woman in the practice of being veiled. The joy and elevation of Jesus can be found in the woman who wishes to “Veil All the Time.” She shows the authority of Jesus over her life, and the power of God on her head (1 Corinthians 11:10). Also, the woman wearing only women’s clothing brings out God’s glory in His creation. A woman untainted by the present-day culture is shown in “Dressing for my glory or for the glory of God.”
The apostles of Jesus spoke and wrote the word of God for Christian women as seen in “The Apostle’s Doctrine on the Place of Faith for Christian Women.”
“Did the Apostles of Christ Teach and Practice Legalism?” In this booklet, many misconceptions about what the apostles taught are made clear. “The Gifts of Ephesians 4:11” are defined in this booklet. For Israel, God established what worship is, and how it was to be practiced. In “Worship, What God Established.” Corporate worship and individual worship are shown, from the time of Adam and Eve to the present-day Church. The commandments given to Israel are separate from the commandments God has for the Church. Only the commands that Jesus gave for the church are seen in the booklet, “The Commandments.” The booklet, “The Comparison Chart Between the Law of Moses, the Church, and the Grace of God” shows what is man’s religion and what is God’s grace. It also identifies how the Law of Moses infiltrated the Church. The “Two Covenants” reveal how Jesus fulfilled the second covenant, the Church in its true function as led by the Holy Spirit. Also an overview of each book of the New Testament is shown.