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Booklet Categories

Our Booklets

Should the Veiling of Christian Women be Practiced all the Time?
Are You A Priest?
The Apostles Doctrine on the Place of Faith for Christian Women
Did the Apostles of Christ Teach and Practice Legalism?
The Gifts of Ephesians 4:11, are They for Today?
Worship, What God Has established?
The Commandments
A Comparison Chart between the Law of Moses, the Present day Church, and the Grace of God
God’s Two Covenants Explained
Can a Christian Ever Be Lost?
Remarriage, for the Christian, will God Sanction It?
Believe Not Every Spirit
The Eternal Word of God or Satan’s teaching and the works of his kingdom
Jerusalem or Bethel?
A Debate and Discussion between Evolution and Creation
The Grace of God or The license of Man?
Legalism In The House Of God
Are You a Disciple? And of What or Whom?
This World, a Life Without Justice
Fellowship Relationship with God, Temporal or Eternal?
The Will, Work, Word And Spirit Of God
Led by the Ministry or Led by the Spirit?
Should A Christian Major In Minors?
The Works Of Man Or The Work of God Through Jesus Christ
Is God For Us? Or Is God Against Us?
Spirit and Truth Worship is it Yours
Religion, What Is It? And Who Has It?
Spirit, Soul, Body
Christian Men, Producers Of Godly Seed Or Earthly Tares?
The Faith of Abraham and the Christian
Putting Feet To Faith
Will You Know and be Known by Friends and Family in Heaven?
Does God Hold The Christian Accountable To Keep The Saturday Sabbath
As The Shepherd Takes From The Mouth Of The Lion, Two Legs Or A Piece Of An Ear
Dependence or Independence?
Failure: Opportunity for the Hungry
The Divine Shepherd
Baptism by the Spirit
Are You A Christian, Or Just Religious?
Are You Cast Down?
Dead Men Can’t Sin
Unless you are Converted and become as a little Child
Ups And Downs Of A Spirit-Led Life
The Christian
A Brother’s Meeting
An Outline of the Book of Revelation
The Bible, the Work of Man or a Divine Revelation?
By Faith Alone
Two Trees



God's Answer

God gave Adam a pattern of life to live by. It was meant for all of Adam’s offspring, a life of dependence on the Creator’s every word as given in Scripture (Matthew 4:4). The booklet is entitled “Dependence or Independence.” The hard life experiences of many people, and God’s answer for a new life for those who have lost hope, is found in “The Shepherd takes from the Mouth of the Lion, Two Legs or a Piece of an Ear.” For most people, failure is a hard pathway of life, yet easy to come by for some. Even though failure is not desired, it is answered in “Failure, Opportunity for the Hungry.” The Creator manifests Himself in six different ways as “The Eternal Shepherd.” God so loved the world that He gave His Son to die for the penalty due man for his sins. He then nurtures His sheep. Fifty days later, after Jesus rose from the dead, He sent His Holy Spirit from heaven to live in everyone who accepts His gift of reconciliation with God, by receiving “Baptism in the Spirit.” Going from being religious to becoming a Christian is shown in “Are You a Christian, or Just Religious”. Many Christian people, as well as others, are affected by depression. God’s help is shown in “Are You Cast Down?” You Can Find Joy.”

As The Shepherd Takes From The Mouth Of The Lion, Two Legs Or A Piece Of An Ear
Dependence or Independence?
Failure: Opportunity for the Hungry
The Divine Shepherd
Baptism by the Spirit
Are You A Christian, Or Just Religious?
Are You Cast Down?
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