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Faith in What?
The booklet “Spirit and Truth Worship, is it Yours” reveals, in Scripture, Church order as compared to what most churches practice today.
“Religion, what is it?” shows Jesus Christ as God’s only acceptable path to Himself.
“Spirit, Soul, Body” explains man’s whole being, giving Scriptural authority for understanding the function of man.
Many people want a life of “Simplicity.” Jesus Christ lived His whole life in simplicity to His Father. This booklet will give understanding of true simplicity.
The booklet “The faith of Abraham and the Christian” shows Abraham’s life in total submission to every word God spoke to him, producing a life of God’s blessing on him. God chose Abraham as the father of the nation Israel. Because he had faith in God’s word, God imputed total righteousness into Abraham. A person today who believes like Abraham receives the same righteousness of God.
The Father above wants Godly fruit produced in the Christian man as revealed in the booklet, “Christian Men Producers of Godly Seed or Earthly Tares?”. This involves a man’s whole life and the leading and caring for his family.
The booklet “The Lion and the Eagle” shows a short view of the history of religion in the world, going back thousands of years. The God Who created the heavens and the earth reveals Himself to the nation of Israel, then to the whole world through Jesus Christ.